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Sunday, 7 August 2011

New Beginnings

Its been a while since I had the time to write. Since I wrote last I've had a gorgeous baby girl and taken a break from researching.  However, I am back in action now and am editing my second book 'Journey to Rainbow's End'.  I have also written an article for Mindscape Magazine the next edition is due out the beginning of next month - watch out for it in WHSmiths.
I have a huge backlog of research; current subjects I'm looking into are NLP, quantum physics, Coca Cola and the Knights Templar.  I've just finished reading Mark Thomas' great book 'Belching out the Devil' I'm sure some of you will remember him from Channel 4 many years ago..
I promise to update this blog more regularly in future - not leaving a few years between posts!!


  1. NLP is neuro linguistic programming, invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s. Its a therapeutic tool but also used in marketing/business.
